Unfolding at the Best Pace

All will be well, all will go well, unfolding at the best pace for those who gather today. A denser energy it may seem, but not difficult to penetrate. Love is the elixir for all ills, all fears, all pains, all misfortunes.

How fortunate then that love is in abundance here—more, more, more than enough for everyone, including the dogs. The people need every moment to be in ease and not responsible for anything but their thoughts, their opening hearts, their wishes for good for all, near and far. The contribution in a circle of Angel light is healing for the world.

These ones can learn in a conscious way to say healing words, to send healing light to enhance their lives now. It is time for humanity to move fully forward into healing for Gaia and all her inhabitants. Many in the world who are disturbed and angry are on the verge of breakthrough. One more shot of radiance can do the trick. Each one has the possibility to be part of giving and receiving healing. Now is the time; it is open for all.

copenhagenangel1.jpgToday we will be with you in full ease and full strength for the good of all. There can’t be too much light, but if it feels to be too much, send it to the trees, so stable and elegant as they maintain their part of the web of life.

Go forth easily in quiet confidence and increasing joy. Now is the time. The signs in the skies confirm. Today. Here. For you, whom we love so deeply and so dearly.

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